Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week of Oct 16-19

Well, we have not had too much of a busy week this week. I was sick :( Tuesday and then today (Thursday) is my b-day...the big 31. Wow!!! Anyway, so this week I decided I would just do Beyond with both kids again to try the combining and it actually has gone really well. I am thinking that my initial problem with combining is because my dd was not use to school and so now that she is in a little groove it is going better doing both together.  My days feel a lot smoother also doing them together :)  I am also thrilled with HOD in their Bible portions also. I have been looking for this from day 1 in homeschooling. We spend this week talking about how the Holy Spirit lives inside us and how He guides us and about our conscience and making good choices. I really love the discussions we have had as a family.
At the beginning of the week we decided to have some fun. As we were driving around we swung by a park. Last time we were here it was just a ball field, but now it is amazing!! Anyway, here

 is our little man...first time swinging!!! The older kids are actually in the pic up top but you can't really see them :)

Kayla is working on Singapore 1 and we were doing an exercise from the Beyond manual. She was making addition problems by drawing 3 lady bugs then adding one more to it then doing the same with clouds, which are those blue things at the top :) Then trees... She loved this. I think we will have to do more.
 In history we have been reading about how the Indians have helped the Pilgrims out. Squanto has decided to live with them now since his tribe had all died. The Indians wrote in pictures to tell stories, but Squanto wanted to learn to read and write like the Pilgrims. Anyway, our assignment today was to make up our own stories like the Indians wrote. Both of the kids wrote their life in pictures. Noah made sure that his first one was of just him and mommy and daddy since he was our first born. He added the rest later. At the end he put wings on himself and said that one day he would be in heaven and he was happy about that because he would get to see Fluffy, his MiMi's cat who passed on a while ago :( It was really cute though.

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