Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What we have been up to

    Since I haven't been on my blog for a while I just thought I would throw in a quick update. We have taken the last few weeks off of school. My cousin came to visit with her kids. It is amazing how large families work. We had 11 kids together, well actually 14 at once when my brother and his girlfriend and the 3 kids of theirs came over. Other than having to fix more food, it was really nice.
    On the sad side I found out that my best friend, Monica Sitzler passed away. We are still waiting to find out what happened to her. Monica and her husband Jamie were about to have their first baby in December so it was a double tragedy that we are all torn up about. My kids really loved Monica and so we are taking this week off and will probably do school just lightly till after Thanksgiving. I started school early this year so we only have about 18 days left till we are done with our Fall semester!!! That is good news. I will try to get some good pics for the holiday and pick up the blog after that. Till then I hope everybody has a good few weeks and a great Thanksgiving! :)

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