Friday, October 12, 2012

More from Week Oct 9-12

Well we have had a lot of fun this week!!! One thing I notice with dd is that Sonlight might be a tad too much for her right now. So we are back to LHFHG for a little bit. I am really starting to like LHFHG. We have had some great conversations that really have touched her heart. One thing today that we covered was why parents discipline their children. We were reading from the devotional book that goes along with this program. I truly love this book. If you don't have it, it is great to do on your own.
Anyway, We are really enjoying LHFHG. I would of had more pics this week but my camera was acting up and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I got a new SD card and it seems to be working okay so hopefully I can take some more fun pics of our adventures.

 Here is Kayla showing off her first attempt of sewing. I unfortunately only know how to patch holes so she saw me fixing a hole in a pair of pants so she had to learn. This is a cloth napkin and she is sewing up the sides. Noah took a turn but he wasn't very interested :)
Noah is also working on Shurley English 2 this year and this week he was suppose to make a book filled with synonyms and antonyms. He isn't too big on writing and I didn't have any magazines for him to clip words from so I improvised and I wrote a couple syn/ant combos on each page and he illustrated it. It turned out really nice. Kayla saw him doing it so she had to make her own book. I am quite proud of both of them.

Finally, here is Brie. Whenever she sees me with the camera she comes running and asks me to take her picture too. Her schooling this week is more potty training. Hopefully this is learned quickly :)

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