Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week of Oct 9-12

    So I have been pretty busy the last few weeks and have neglected my blog :( So this is what we have been up too.

I found a Bowflex in the basement. My cousin had purchased it and then my aunt got it from her and my dad traded a pool table for it and then left it in the basement here. We rent their old house so since they decided they didn't want to move it we now are the proud owners of it. So...after it sitting in our basement for 2 years it is now on the porch and I am going to move the treadmill out there and hopefully get a TV to put out there and have a little exercise room for myself. I have used it and do sometimes use my treadmill so hopefully it will be a room that gets used and not wishful thinking :)

 Here is Kayla. We are working on week 3 in Sonlight A. We were learning about Ancient Greece some and so I found this little print off here to personalize a vase like the Greeks did. For science we are on weather right now learning about hurricanes and tornadoes and how weather effects animals.
My pretty little Brie Brie
loves to have her picture taken so since she saw me taking pics she had to be a part of the fun :)

 Next, Noah is working on week 11 of HOD Beyond. Thomas in our history reading shot an arrow through a paper window that had just been oiled so for our art activity we oiled some paper. I only had some white construction paper, but in the pic below you can see how the oiled paper lets in more light than just the regular paper (and our nicely covered pool in the back).

1 comment:

  1. Your exercise room sounds awesome! I'm hoping it works out for you. Sounds like you covered a lot in school this week.
